What does Kullish do?

Kullish searches the web for current and historical discussions about webpage links and presents a single feed of all user comments and threaded discussions in reverse-chronological order. That's it. No accounts, no social sign-ups, no user tracking, no algorithms tampering with your feed to fuel fear and outrage in order to maximise "engagement", no clunky Javascript slowing your device to a crawl. Just good old-fashioned HTML and common-sense presentation.

How can I support Kullish?

Kullish is a one-man operation which I pay to host out of my own pocket. If you would like to help support Kullish, you can:

Why use Kullish?

  • BYOL (bring your own links) because no algorithm curates your feeds better than you
  • Avoid going to multiple sites to read comments on the same links
  • Look past your social media bubbles and echo chambers by default
  • Filter out low-effort filler comments and focus on real conversations
  • Discover smaller communities discussing topics that you care about
  • Spend less time refreshing mindlessly with a "cooldown" approach to discussion updates

Where does Kullish search for discussions?

Kullish currently searches for discussions on the following sites:

How does Kullish update discussions?

Discussions for links get updated relative to their popularity on Kullish on the day. This is to enforce a "cooldown" approach that discourages the mindless refreshing that has become common since the introduction of "pull-to-refresh" user interfaces.

The most popular links can be updated every 60 minutes, and the maximum time before any link can be updated is 4 hours. If you want to know the exact time for a specific link, you can check the Update-After header returned with the link's search results page.

I don't want to copy and paste links, is there a browser extension or an app?

If you're using a desktop or a laptop, you can right click on any page and select "Read Comments on Kullish" with the Notado browser extension for Firefox and Chrome.

If you're using an iOS device, you can use the Kullish iOS Shortcut and use the "Read Comments on Kullish" Action when you press the Share icon on any webpage in Safari.

How can I save comments for later reference?

Check out Notado, which excels at saving, tagging and organising user generated text content, as well as syncing automatically to popular services such as Readwise, Instapaper and Pinboard, and generating Quotebacks for you to reference in your own articles, blog posts and other online content.

With the Notado browser extension, you can right click "Save this comment" on any comment and then select "Send Comment Link to Notado". With Notado for iOS and Notado for Android, you can share the "Save this comment" link to the respective app to save it.

The "Save this comment" link returns a standard JSON payload, so you can write your own browser extensions or mobile shortcuts to save comments however you want.

What does Kullish mean?

Kullish (کلش) is a Dari word that means "all of it".

I have a great idea that will make Kullish 9999x better!

No promises, but you are always welcome to come and share your ideas on Discord.